Children, Young People & Family

Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by Thursday, 18 August 2022. The information shown here may be outdated.

Please refer to the dedicated Group A Streptococcal infections page for the latest information on the national interim clinical guidance, antibiotic stock situation and updated NICE guidance.

Parental support when a child becomes ill or is recovering

Parents should be encouraged to use the Healthier Together website (or download the app) to help:  

  • find information about their child's illness
  • see how they can help them at home
  • know when and where to seek help if things change.

The website is ideal for all parents, especially:

  • during a winter presentation of an unwell child
  • newly registered parents with children less than five years old
  • parents at any child review
  • during an immunisations presentation (material is appropriate for 0-18 year olds).

Practices are encouraged to display Caring for your child at home: Discharge information leaflets (designed by UCLH and RFH) in waiting rooms.

See Downloads for a Minor illness in children parent education pack for GP practices that includes educational and safety-netting materials that practices can send to parents of young children to enhance their management of common illnesses.

See Downloads for resources to help practices create custom Accurx Florey questionnaires ('Fever in children red flags' or 'Sore throat using feverPAIN score') which can be sent to parents.

Maternal and targeted vaccinations

Please ensure that pertussis vaccination continues to be offered to pregnant women. Where vaccination cannot be provided in maternity, please signpost pregnant women to their GP.

Please continue to offer and provide BCG vaccinations. Please risk assess and prioritise infants aged up to one year who either reside in a borough of a tuberculosis (TB) incidence rate of >40 per 100,000, or those who live in a household with a parent or grandparent from a country with a TB rate of >40 per 100,000.

It is imperative that any infant born to a Hepatitis B positive mother receives a course of Hepatitis B vaccination as this is time critical. These infants must continue to be identified and called for vaccinations.

Free NHS prescriptions for care leavers

NCL Integrated Care system, in collaboration with the area's local authorities, has developed a scheme to provide eligible care leavers with a 12-month NHS Prescription Pre-Payment Certificate to allow them to access prescriptions for free.

Download the A4 poster or A5 leaflet from the Resources section for more information and promote in your practice.

Area specific guidance for Camden

Dr Oliver Anglin is pleased to announce that the Integrated Paediatric Service (IPS) will be rolled out across Camden following the success of the IPS pilot. Triage is gradually being switched on and your practice will be contacted when it is your turn. If you have any queries about this, please email Oliver at e:

When considering the child, it is important to think of their health within the context of their family and their wider social circumstances. Over the last few years, the Camden children and young people team has been working with the local authority, schools, mental health services, primary/secondary care and community health services and the voluntary sector to provide integrated services.

Area specific guidance for Enfield

Enfield Council launches new Early Help Directory for All

Enfield Council has launched a new online directory that brings together local and national services to support children, families, community members and practitioners. The directory is categorised under simple headings to help parents, carers and health and social care professionals to find what they are looking for easily across different topic and age groups. The directory can be accessed in a variety of languages.

Early Help Directory: Community services for the London Borough of Enfield 

Directory of Services

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Pathways View All

Pathway PDF, 198.4 KB

Allergy in Children

Pathway PDF, 295.43 KB

Asthma Attack in Children

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 1.07 MB

Atopic Eczema in Children

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 240.19 KB

Bronchiolitis in Children (less than 1 year)

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 362.22 KB

Child Protection

Pathway PDF, 580.27 KB

Chronic Abdominal Pain in Children

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 89.5 KB

Chronic Cough (for more than 8 weeks) in Children

Pathway PDF, 316.81 KB

Constipation in Children

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 788.95 KB

Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy

Pathway PDF, 482.38 KB

Developmental Red Flags in Children: When to Refer

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 186.3 KB

Feeding Concerns (birth to 12 months)

Pathway PDF, 602.62 KB

Gastroesophageal Reflux in Infants (birth to 12 months)

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 601.89 KB

Headache in Children

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 526.1 KB

Hepatitis B Immunisation Pathway for Antenatal and Neonatal

Pathway PDF, 505.86 KB

Lymphadenopathy in Children

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 598.51 KB

Nocturnal Enuresis in Children and Young People

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 212.21 KB

Paediatric Eye Absent/Uncertain Red Reflex

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 234.72 KB

Paediatric Eye Allergic Eye Disease

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 209.13 KB

Paediatric Eye Blepharitis

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 185.39 KB

Paediatric Eye Blocked Tear Duct

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 208.97 KB

Paediatric Eye Chalazion

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 174.34 KB

Paediatric Eye Chemical Injury

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 175.14 KB

Paediatric Eye Frequent Blinking

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 191.32 KB

Paediatric Eye Infective Conjunctivitis

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 174.44 KB

Paediatric Eye Nystagmus

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 226.96 KB

Paediatric Eye Pigmented/Non-Pigmented Lesions on the Eye

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 181.64 KB

Paediatric Eye Preseptal and Orbital Cellulitis

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 180.97 KB

Paediatric Eye Ptosis

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 180.43 KB

Paediatric Eye Strabismus

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 170.93 KB

Paediatric Eye Suspected Glaucoma

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 168.73 KB

Paediatric Eye Suspected Uveitis

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 177.6 KB

Paediatric Eye Suspicious Optic Discs

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 182.92 KB

Paediatric Eye Trauma

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 173.62 KB

Paediatric Eye Unequal Pupils

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 180.55 KB

Paediatric Eyelid Haemangioma

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 559.62 KB

Urinary Tract Infections in Children

NCL Wide
Pathway PDF, 381.34 KB

Weight Healthy Care in Children Pathway

Pathway PDF, 334.78 KB

Weight Healthy Care in Children Pathway

Pathway PDF, 529.56 KB

Weight Management in Children (12-18 years)

Pathway PDF, 170.34 KB

Weight Management in Children (5-11 years)

Pathway PDF, 166.81 KB

Weight Management in Children (birth to 4 years)

Pathway PDF, 180.81 KB

Weight Management in Children: Early Years (birth to 4 years)

Pathway PDF, 204.2 KB

Weight Management in Children: Primary Years (5-11 years)

Pathway PDF, 187.13 KB

Weight Management in Children: Secondary Years (12-18 years)

Pathway PDF, 195.85 KB

Wheezy Episode in Children (2-5 years)

NCL Wide

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Review date: Thursday, 18 August 2022