- All Topics
- Self Care
- Blood & Skin
- Cancer & Screening
- Cardiovascular & Respiratory
Children & Family
- Child Emotional Wellbeing & Mental Health
- Children, Young People & Family
- Domestic Violence & Abuse
- Female Genital Mutilation
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- Safeguarding Adults
- Safeguarding Children
- Sexual Health
- Social Prescribing
- Speech & Language Therapy
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- Gastroenterology, Colorectal, Renal & Urology
- Head, Neck & Eyes
- Infectious Diseases
- Mental Health
- Neurology & Neurosurgery
- Nutrition & Weight Management
- Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- Social Care & Safeguarding
- Urgent & Emergency
- Pathways
- Community Pharmacy
- Controlled Drugs Accountable Officer
- Electronic Prescription Service
- Infections and Antibiotics
- Medicines Compliance
- Medicines Management Teams: NCL
- Medicines Optimisation Prescribing Policies
- Medicines Supply Issues
- Opioids and Dependence-forming Medications
- Patient Group Directions
- Prescribing Guidelines
- Prescribing Quality Scheme (PQS)
- Prescribing Recommendations (NPR)
- Prescribing Watch
- Self-Care Medicines Scheme (SCMS)
- Shared Care
- Fact Sheets
Practice Management
- Cancer Care Resources
- Deadlines
- Enhanced Services
- General Practice Access Support
- General Practice Staff Survey
- Greener NCL: Sustainable General Practice
- Hospital Bypass Contacts
- Immunisations & Vaccinations
- Interface Consensus
- Practice Vacancies
- Referral Support
- Research Opportunities
- Submit a Patient Safety Incident Report
- Submit a Quality Alert
- Support for Staff
- Veterans’ Healthcare
- Education
- Digital
How to get information onto the website
The NCL GP Website provides healthcare professionals working in primary care across NCL with the essential, up-to-date information they need to carry out their role.
Content on the NCL GP website can be accessed by organisations outside NCL ICB, and by the public. If you have any sensitive content that needs to be uploaded, it is your (the contributor's) responsibility to contact the website team to get appropriate measures in place to protect access to that information. This can restrict access to certain types of content to registered, logged-in users only.
Our aim is to have the most up-to-date NCL GP Website that we can reasonably provide, where information is accessible to users 24/7. A weekly email (called the NCL GP Weekly Bulletin) is sent to registered users each week (on a Wednesday) to nudge users to read significant updates made in the past week.
Once the NCL GP Website team receives a request to update/add content on the NCL GP Website, it will be acted on as soon as possible. Tasks should be picked up for action within three working days, and the team will contact the contributor once the work is complete.