How to get information onto the website

Please note: This website is for healthcare professionals working in primary care across north central London. If you wish to make patient-facing information available to residents, you will need to contact the NCL ICB Communications team, which manages the NCL Integrated Care System website's Keeping Well section for residents.

The NCL GP Website provides healthcare professionals working in primary care across NCL with the essential, up-to-date information they need to carry out their role.


Content on the NCL GP website can be accessed by organisations outside NCL ICB, and by the public. If you have any sensitive content that needs to be uploaded, it is your (the contributor's) responsibility to contact the website team to get appropriate measures in place to protect access to that information. This can restrict access to certain types of content to registered, logged-in users only.


Our aim is to have the most up-to-date NCL GP Website that we can reasonably provide, where information is accessible to users 24/7. A weekly email (called the NCL GP Weekly Bulletin) is sent to registered users each week (on a Wednesday) to nudge users to read significant updates made in the past week.


Once the NCL GP Website team receives a request to update/add content on the NCL GP Website, it will be acted on as soon as possible. Tasks should be picked up for action within three working days, and the team will contact the contributor once the work is complete. 

To ensure that the content you submit to the NCL GP Website is seen by the correct audience, we need to ask you some questions. That is why we ask you to follow the submission processes outlined below.

How to make a submission 

Advertise a job

Jobs at practices and roles for practice staff at NCL ICB can be included on the website as external links to either NHS Jobs, Indeed or RCGP on our Practice Vacancies page. There is a job advert submission template. Once you have filled in all the sections, rename the file to include the job title and then email it to the NCL GP Website Team.

News articles

There is a submission template for getting news onto the website. Once you have filled in all the sections, rename the file to include the news title and then email it to the NCL GP Website Team. The NCL GP Website is for healthcare professionals only. It is not intended for public use. Please don't submit information that is intended for patients as they are not our audience. 

Please note: News items remain live on the website for two months from publication date. If you want to tell users about a more permanent change to information hosted in any of the sections on the NCL GP Website, please email your changes directly to the website team, including a link to the page to be updated. You can also use the online submit a service feature to send in change to pages that you curate.

Event listings

There is a submission template for events aimed at healthcare professionals and practice staff. See below for how to submit e-learning content. Once you have filled in all the template sections, rename the file to include the event title and then email it to the NCL GP Website Team. We do not publish listings for paid-for events. There may be some exceptions for subsidised places, so please contact the NCL GP Website team before submitting.

Please note: The following deadlines apply to event listings.

  • To ensure your event is included in the next NCL GP Weekly Bulletin email, submit your event a minimum of three weeks before the event date.
  • Events submitted two weeks before the event date will be added to the event listings only.
  • Events submitted less than two weeks in advance of the event date will not be listed.

There is a separate submission template for e-learning available 24/7, called on-demand training on the website. Once you have filled in all the template sections, rename the file to include the event title and then email it to the NCL GP Website Team. Is it important that you tell us how long an e-learning listing should remain live on the website.

Add/update a service

Registered users (you can self register if you  have an NHS or GOV.UK email address) can

  • use the submit a service online form
  • to submit a new service/update an existing service on this website
  • the website team will review submissions and publish

If you are not a registered user, you can 

Please note: NCL GPs in one or more NCL boroughs must be able to refer to the service, or patients in NCL must be able to self refer.
NCL commissioners or clinical leads may be asked to review any service proposed for inclusion.

Add/update a pathway

The NCL GP Website Pathways section is for clinical pathways detailing how to manage patients only.  

NCL ICB has a clinical pathways team to support clinical pathway development and document formatting, and a governance process to support this activity. If you have a clinical pathway that you would like to help develop and publish, then please contact the pathways team.

If you wish to add a referral pathway to the website, please email the NCL GP Website team and ask for it to be added to the relevant topic page.

Add/update a referral form

If you have a new referral form, or a form update, for a service featured on the NCL GP Website, please email the NCL ICB IT and Systems team.  The IT and Systems team will work with you to create an EMIS-compatible form and will liaise with the NCL GP Website team to get the necessary information uploaded to the website.

Enhanced services

If you wish to submit an enhanced service to be listed on the NCL GP Website, please read and complete the template document and email it and the current specification to the NCL GP Website Team.

Please note: Please provide a link to the enhanced service specification on the NHS website, if available, or attach the specification document to your email.

Add a deadline

If you wish to submit an operational quarter end/payment deadline, or similar, to be listed on the NCL GP Website calendar, please read and complete the template document and email it to the NCL GP Website Team.


If you wish to submit a video to be listed on the NCL GP Website, please read and complete the template document and email it to the NCL GP Website Team. NCL commissioners or clinical leads may be asked to review any video proposed for inclusion. Videos should not include any patient identifiable data and contributors should have the permission of the video creator and any participants to allow the video to be viewed via the NCL GP Website. 

Please note: Videos on the NCL GP Website are required to undergo a mandatory annual review to ensure that their content remains accurate. Following the sending of a review reminder email, if the NCL GP Website Team does not receive a reply within the specified time frame, the video will be removed.