Paediatric Allergy: WH

Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by Friday, 12 January 2024. The information shown here may be outdated.

Whittington Health's (WH) multi-disciplinary paediatric allergy service is run by a specialist team (including consultant paediatricians, GPwSIs, specialist paediatric allergy nurses and specialist paediatric allergy dieticians).

WH provides children, young people and their families with expert advice, diagnostic tests and practical help all within a single visit.

Children receive:

  • a detailed history and examination
  • allergy testing (skin prick tests and or blood tests) where appropriate
  • management advice on associated co-morbidities such as allergic rhinitis, eczema and asthma
  • written management plans for home/nursery/school
  • dietary assessment and advice
  • ongoing support in the community where necessary.

The service can also provide visits to homes, nurseries and schools where necessary.

A drug allergy service is provided for children with possible antibiotic and drug allergy.

Rapid access clinic

Since May 2019, a multi-disciplinary rapid access clinic is provided for infants aged <11 months with a history of immediate or possible delayed food allergies. Infants need to be referred through e-RS (see How to refer, below) but will be fast-tracked to this service by the allergy triage team.

Eligibility Criteria


Children aged 0-18 with:

  • immediate reactions to food 
  • gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms e.g. reflux and proctocolitis, where food allergy is suspected
  • early onset infant eczema (strong association with immediate food allergy)
  • acute and chronic urticaria
  • allergic rhinitis
  • possible antibiotic allergy
  • allergic reactions with no clear cause.


  • venom allergy (e.g bee/wasp sting) – please refer to tertiary allergy centre .
  • oral allergy syndrome/food pollen syndrome – see attached patient information leaflet

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: e-Referrals

Refer via e-RS

For urgent cancer referrals, see the 2WW page.

How to find service on e-RS

  • Specialty: Children's & Adolescent Services
  • Clinic type: Allergy
  • Service name: Paediatric Allergy Service - Whittington Hospital - RKEQ4

How to find the form

Islington: ISL Global Documents > > Paediatric > Paediatric Allergy Form - Whittington


Whittington Hospital

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Review date: Friday, 12 January 2024