Children's Community Nursing Team: RFL

Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by Friday, 31 January 2025. The information shown here may be outdated.

The Children's Community Nursing Team (CCNT) facilitates an early discharge from hospital for children and prevents hospital admissions for children with complex or long-term needs. The service is school-based and supports children with additional needs, as well as children with epilepsy, asthma and allergies. The Swiss Cottage special needs school comes under the service umbrella.

The CCNT offers care, advice, teaching and training to any child and family with nursing needs, such as:

  • post-operative care, dressing and wound care, respiratory illnesses, enteral feeding support, skin care needs, intravenous therapy and blood tests
  • special and complex needs requiring specialist support, such as diabetes, allergies, epilepsy, palliative care, cancer and blood disorders
  • support and training to the child or young person's wider contact network, such as schools, nurseries, extended family and transport services

The team also offers education to staff, parents, families and support workers. It runs blood and medical clinics and supports the dental and immunisation team.

Visit by arrangement between Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm and bank holidays, 8am-4pm. The service is currently closed at weekends due to a staffing issue. There is the option to visit at home or at school.

Eligibility Criteria


  • 0-19 years old with a nursing need
  • registered with a Camden or Barnet GP


  • Emergency care
  • 48-hour asthma reviews.

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Complete and email the Community Children’s Nursing Referral NCL form.

For Camden (NW2) and South Barnet (N11) residents send to:

For the remaining Barnet residents send to Barnet Home Care Team:

Referrers should add as much information as applicable, such as discharge summaries, clinic letters, feed plan, drug charts, PICC line details, follow-up arrangements and relevant contact details.

Where to find the form

  • BAR Global Documents > Referral Forms
  • CAM Global Documents > Children Services


The team are able to accept self referrals for families previously known to them or after a discussion.

Service Feedback

Review date: Friday, 31 January 2025