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  • Jnetics: Jewish Genetic Disorder Screening Clinic

Jnetics: Jewish Genetic Disorder Screening Clinic


One in three people with Jewish ancestry are a carrier of a severe, recessive Jewish genetic disorder. Jnetics is a cross-communal UK charity that offers genetic testing for 47 recessive Jewish genetic disorders within the Jewish community.

These conditions span the Ashkenazi, Sephardi and Mizrahi communities. Screening is recommended for anyone with at least one Jewish grandparent who is planning to have a child.

Carrier screening for these conditions is available by way of virtual home testing through the Jnetics clinic. The clinic is run in partnership with the Centre for Reproductive and Genetic Health (CRGH) overseen by a dedicated Jnetics Genetic Counsellor. To book, please visit the Jnetics website (see external links below). For information about the genetic conditions, see the Downloads section.

BRCA gene testing is now available to anyone living in England aged 18 or over with one or more Jewish grandparent. To find out more about the testing programme and sign up, please visit the Jewish BRCA website (see external links).

How to Refer

Jnetics: Book an appointment

Healthcare professionals can refer their patients by directing them to the Jnetics website.


Patients can self-refer by visiting the Jnetics website.

Service Feedback


Review date: Thursday, 12 March 2026