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Postnatal Fitness: ABC Parents
EnfieldHaringeyThe Postnatal Fitness service offers gentle and supportive exercise sessions designed to help new mothers regain strength, improve overall wellbeing, and boost confidence after childbirth. These sessions focus on core stability, pelvic floor recovery, posture, and gradual strength building, all tailored to the needs of postnatal women.
Led by experienced instructors, the sessions provide a safe and welcoming environment where mothers can focus on their recovery while also connecting with others on a similar journey. The programme promotes physical and mental wellbeing, encouraging a gradual return to exercise while considering each individuals recovery pace.
Eligibility Criteria
- Mothers who are at least six weeks post-partum
- Cleared for gentle exercise by a healthcare professional (e.g. GP, midwife) with no ongoing postnatal complications that would prevent participation
- Open to all fitness levels, with exercises tailored to individual recovery needs
How to Refer
Healthcare professionals, including those in GP surgeries and Urgent Treatment Centres (E&E), can refer New mothers to the ABC Parents postnatal fitness sessions .
Healthcare professionals, including those in GP surgeries and Urgent Treatment Centres (E&E), can refer new mothers to the ABC Parents postnatal fitness sessions.
Ponders End Youth & Family Hub
Every Monday 9:30-11:30am (term time only)
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