Urgent & Emergency Care for Adults

Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by Tuesday, 31 January 2023. The information shown here may be outdated.

In the event of an emergency, see the following pages:

For a list of emergency, rapid access and urgent care services available to NCL GPs, see below:


If worried about stroke symptoms, please call for an ambulance via the Health Care Professional (HCP) number 020 3162 7525 and request an ambulance. You should not give aspirin.

If the patient meets certain criteria, they will be conveyed to the nearest Hyper-Acute Stroke Unit (HASU). For most of NCL, this will be UCLH HASU.


NCL Training Hub: Winter Pressures Systems solutions, including same day emergency care (SDEC) and Winter Access Fund (webinar recording, 8 December 2021)

RCGP: Community CPR in the COVID-19 world (webinar recording, 16 November 2020) 

More webinars and informational videos are located on the right-hand-side panel of this page. 

Area specific guidance for Camden

For clinical queries contact: 

Kate Harrison, Royal Free Emergency Department Consultant, Primary Care and High Intensity User (HIU) Lead
e: catriona.harrison@nhs.net

Royal Free Hospital GP Liaison
e: george.keeble@nhs.net

Area specific guidance for Haringey

Find telephone numbers for immediate patient care: Emergency or immediate patient care numbers

Area specific guidance for Barnet

Acute admissions at Barnet Hospital

The Acute Admission Unit (AAU) at Barnet Hospital provides safe, efficient and expert acute multi-specialty care 24/7 for adult patients meeting the criteria who are under specialty and triaged from ED, referred from primary care/hot clinics/outpatients and via 111 pathways.

GPs are able to refer appropriate patients via the nurse navigator t: switchboard 020 8216 4600, bleep 2190 (weekdays 8am-6pm).

Directory of Services

Clinical Leads

NCL Urgent Care

Dr Shakil Alam

NCL Wide


Pathways View All

Review date: Tuesday, 31 January 2023