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Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service: Open Minded


Please note: the service is currently only accepting email referrals. See below for more information.

Set of services for children, young people (up to 18 years), their families, parents and carers who are experiencing emotional, behavioural and mental health problems:

  • advice and support for parents
  • counselling and therapy for children
  • therapeutic work with the whole family
  • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy Service

The average treatment length is six months to a year, working with schools, GP practices, health centres and the Tavistock Centre.

Referrals are managed as a single point of access for mental health support via Brandon Centre, MOSAIC, Royal Free CAMHS, and Camden Open Minded CAMHS at Camden CAMHS services at Tavistock & Portman.

If you think a child or young person is in crisis and needs same-day CAMHS input, call the NCL CAMHS senior on-call advice line on 020 3758 2056. This is staffed from 9am-midnight, seven days a week (access for professionals only). 

This may avoid an unnecessary long wait in A&E as some cases can be seen in a CAMHS crisis hub or managed remotely by their crisis team. 

There is also a patient access CAMHS crisis line: 0800 151 0023

From October 2023, GP referrals must be sent via our Integrated Front Door (IFD), designed to enable quicker and easier access to support. IFD is a partnership between CAMHS and the Children and Families Contact Service, LB Camden's multi-agency team that incorporates the Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) team and the First Stop Early Help team.

The Contact service is responsible for:

  • processing all referrals and requests for children's social care services and Early Help support
  • making decisions on the most suitable response based on the child's needs and the level of risk
  • passing on referrals to the most appropriate service.

IFD referrals will be reviewed by both the Contact Service and CAMHS. This process means we can offer families community support alongside/ instead of mental health support if this will be useful to them without the need for a second referral.

Please ensure the referred young person and/or family are aware of this when you make a referral. If consent is denied, we will be happy to facilitate alternative referral in- contact CAMHS directly to make a request.

Non-urgent consultation/queries about cases can still be requested via email: tpn-tr.cyaf-intake@nhs.net or telephone: 020 8938 2241

Access the NCL Children Young People Mental Health Crisis Pathway for urgent mental health crisis advice.

Eligibility Criteria


We see children and young people up the age of 18 who are looking for help with:

  • anxiety
  • panic
  • fears and phobias
  • difficulties adjusting to new situations
  • depression
  • mood swings
  • bereavement
  • aggression 
  • challenging behaviour
  • hyperactivity
  • eating problems
  • severe mental health problems, including psychosis


  • over 18

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: e-Referrals

Please complete the Referral to the Child, Young Adult and Family Services - Tavistock & Portman form and refer via e-RS.

To locate the service on e-RS, enter the following in the search fields:

  • Service name: Children, Young Adults and Family - Tavistock & Portman NHSFT
  • Priority: Routine
  • Speciality: Mental Health - Child and Adolescent
  • Clinic Type: Not Otherwise Specified
  • Organisation of Site Name field: Tavistock and Portman

Where to find the form

  • CAM Global

GP referrals must be sent via our Integrated Front Door (IFD) by emailing the Common Assessment Framework CAF – Camden referral form and sending to LBCMASHadmin@camden.gov.uk

Where to find the form

Camden: Camden Global Documents > Mental Health

Self-referral Patient Leaflet

Self-referral form is available on our website. Families/young people are welcome to contact us to discuss making a referral

In mental health crisis situations please advise families to access the crisis pathway.

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Review date: Thursday, 26 December 2024