Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by Wednesday, 17 November 2021. The information shown here may be outdated.

From 1 April 2019, the faecal immunochemical test (FIT) for suspected colorectal cancer has been available to NCL GP Practices.

Advice and guidance is available and encouraged.

FIT<10 secondary care clinical pathway

Following national guidance and in collaboration with NCL providers, NCL Cancer Alliance has developed pathways within the colorectal services to move patients who have appropriate symptoms from the 2WW pathway to the NCL FIT<10 secondary care pathway. 

If a patient is referred on the colorectal 2WW pathway and they have a FIT<10 but do not have a rectal/anal mass or iron deficiency anaemia, following a clinical consultation with the patient with no alarming symptoms, they may be moved to the FIT<10 pathway for follow up.

See Downloads for the pathway.

Area specific guidance for Barnet

The Barnet Hospital service contact is Dr. Colin Elton - (all localities).

Criteria for referral:

  • Patients with rectal bleeding
  • Patients with persistent change in bowel habit
  • Patients with rectal pain

The Royal Free NHS Foundation Trust service contact is Mr O. A. Ogunbiyi.

Criteria for referral:

  • Patients complaining of common colorectal symptoms.
  • Patients with rectal bleeding
  • Patients with persistent change in bowel habit
  • Patients with rectal pain
  • Patients with mass at PR examination


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NCL FIT<10 secondary care clinical pathway (March 2023)

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FIT pathway presentation: 21 July 2022

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FIT questions from GP Webinar: 21 July 2022

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UCLH qFIT Pilot Study Invitation to Participate

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UCLH qFIT Pilot Study Costing Template

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UCLH qFIT Pilot Study Summary

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UCLH qFIT Pilot Study Information for Participants

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Bowel Scope Screening Patient Leaflet: English

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Bowel Scope Screening Patient Leaflet: Bengali

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Pathways View All

Review date: Wednesday, 17 November 2021