Paediatric Community Medical Team: WH

Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by Sunday, 23 June 2024. The information shown here may be outdated.

The Community Paediatric Medical Team in Haringey sees children and young people aged 0-19 years (who have a Haringey GP), covering the following clinical areas:

  • children with developmental difficulties, including paediatric neurodisability (i.e. cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, chromosomal/genetic conditions)
  • medical management of children with complex and additional needs (the team runs special school clinics at The Vale School, The Brook on Broadwaters, Riverside School, Haringey Sixth Form College)
  • assessment of autism for children up to 12 years as part of the Haringey Social Communication Team
  • statutory medical assessment of children undergoing Education Health and Care plan (EHCP) needs assessment where clinically indicated
  • health assessments for children in care, which includes carrying out initial health assessments for all children coming into care and follow-up of children undergoing adoption and fostering. Six monthly review assessments are carried out on children aged six months to five years of age and annual reviews for children 5-18 years.
  • Child protection medical assessments:
    • the service sees children for a child protection medical assessment as part of a section 47 assessment where there are concerns of physical abuse or neglect. Referral is made by social care. Follow-up appointments offered if required.
    • the Community Paediatric Clinic accepts referrals where there are health concerns and some social or safeguarding concerns but not part of a section 47 process. Referrals via the generic referral form below.
    • child protection advice for GPs is available from the community paediatrician on call for child protection during normal working hours by calling the CP phone line (020 3224 4750) or emailing the CP central email address;


Appointments are booked by the following routes:

  • neurodevelopmental service, statutory assessment for EHCP (request comes via Special Educational Needs team), autism assessment
    • arranged by the community paediatric medical administrative support team
  • special school service 
    • arranged with the parents by the special school nurses and community paediatric medical administrative support team
  • acute child protection service
    • child protection medicals and follow up appointments from these are arranged via the social worker 
    • community clinic appointments are booked with the family or via the social worker on a case-by-case basis
  • Children in Care service
    • arranged by children in care administrator with the social worker and foster carer

Eligibility Criteria


The services does not:

  • see children with isolated speech delay (they are seen by the Speech and Language Therapy team)
  • do autism assessment for children over 12 years (this is done by the Autistic Spectrum Conditions & Learning Disabilities Team at Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust)
  • do ADHD assessment (this is done by Haringey CAMHS)
  • do dyslexia assessments (this is arranged by the school Special Educational Needs Coordinator)
  • do medicals for sexual abuse (acutely will be seen at the Havens with referral made by the police. Historical cases will be seen at the Lighthouse with referral made by social care).

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Complete the Haringey Community Paediatrics Referral Form - Whittington referral form and email to

Where to find the form

  • HAR Global Documents > Paediatric

Please note, if GPs are referring children for autism assessment, they may wish to request parent to complete the SCADS form (GPs are not expect to complete the SCADS form).


Paediatric Community Medical Team: WH


Review date: Sunday, 23 June 2024