Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by Wednesday, 10 May 2023. The information shown here may be outdated.

From 25 April 2022, dermatology Advice & Guidance (A&G) will no longer be available on e-RS for Whittington Health, Royal Free London and UCLH. Please use their teledermatology services instead or, if you have any minor enquiries and do not think that the patient needs an onward routine referral, you can also use Consultant Connect for dermatology A&G.

For further information on teledermatology and Consultant Connect, visit the NCL Teledermatology/Dermoscopy service page via the link below and view the recording of the team's latest drop-in session.

See also Related Videos for more recordings of previous dermatology education events, as well as the Primary Care Dermatology Society website for the latest national electronic dermatology primary care guidelines for the treatment and referral of common skin conditions (August 2021).

See Downloads for the NCL teledermatology pathway.

Mind the Gap

St. George's University of London has developed a Mind the Gap handbook of clinical signs in black and brown skin, designed to support GPs in identifying anomalies that may appear differently to those on caucasian skin tones. See Downloads for the full guide or visit the British Association of Dermatologists website for more information.


Pathways View All

Enhanced Services View All

Review date: Wednesday, 10 May 2023