Weight Management for Children

Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by Saturday, 25 January 2025. The information shown here may be outdated.

Camden's Healthy Living practitioners work one-to-one with local children, young people (aged 5-17) and their families to help improve diet, build confidence and increase physical activity through goal-setting, education and support.

Part of Camden's School Nursing service, the sessions are provided in schools, health centres or through home visits. The practitioners can work with young people directly, without parents being present (with parental consent).

  • to work out the centile for children aged 0-2 years, view the Neonatal and Infant Close Monitoring Growth Chart for boys or girls (see Downloads)
  • use the NHS Choices calculator to work out the BMI for a child aged two or above or adults

Eligibility Criteria


The service is for children and young people:

  • aged 5–17
  • have a BMI on or above the 95th percentile, and
  • are resident in Camden, attend school in Camden or have a Camden GP.

The service accepts referrals children and young people who are overweight or obese and have significant co-morbidities or complex needs (e.g. learning or educational difficulties).

These patients will be considered within the MDT for triage.


Patients who are aged 12-18 and have any of the following should be referred to UCLH adolescent obesity service:

  • high cardio-metabolic risk (e.g. Hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes, hyperlipidaemia)
  • obesity-complicating health situation (e.g. mobility, obstructive sleep apnoea)
  • severe obesity (>40kg/m2) / rapidly increasing BMI 

Underweight children should be referred to dietetics.

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Complete the Child Weight Management Referral for 5 to 17 years - CNWL form and send to cnw-tr.healthylivingteam@nhs.net

The young person and their family must have agreed to the referral as the service does not generally accept repeat referrals if a young person or family have not engaged previously.

Where to find the form

  • Camden: Camden Global Documents > Children Services 


Patients can self-refer by telephone or email – they do not need to calculate the BMI or centile.

Service Feedback


Review date: Saturday, 25 January 2025