
Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by Thursday, 04 January 2024. The information shown here may be outdated.

Hypertension is the second-biggest risk factor for premature death and disability in England and affects more than a quarter of all adults. It is often preventable and it is estimated that improving the diagnosis of hypertension would save £120 million nationally in 10 years.

Bloodpressureuk.org is the only UK charity dedicated to lowering the nation's blood pressure to prevent stroke and heart disease.

Area specific guidance for Camden

In Camden, data shows there are around 60,000 adults at risk of hypertension and related illness, but currently only around 24,000 patients are diagnosed.

The Community Hypertension Service is a consultant-led virtual service that can advise GPs on difficult case management and triage if patients need to be seen in secondary care (see the Hypertension CICS page).

There is a nurse-led hypertension clinic. Please get in touch by email: rf.complexhypertension@nhs.net

There is also a need to raise awareness of the condition among patients. Blood pressure monitors have been provided to all practices to support and monitor at-risk patients and to help patients with poor control.

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Review date: Thursday, 04 January 2024