Fitzrovia Youth in Action


This page provides basic information about a service suitable for self referral. Direct patients to the service provider using the details below.

Fitzrovia Youth in Action (FYA) runs peer support groups where young people share their lived experiences and support each other. Young people work in small groups to plan their programmes and learn how to facilitate discussions. They participate in accredited training, build their skills and confidence and learn where to seek further support.  

FYA welcomes referrals from GPs, as the team knows these type of programmes can be especially beneficial for young people lacking confidence or experiencing other challenges.

There are two strands to the programme:

  • peer mentoring: young people provide mentoring and peer support to each other around mental health and wellbeing
  • peer education: young people create awareness-raising campaigns about mental health, work with a film maker to create a film and showcase their talent.

Eligibility Criteria


  • young people aged 11-24 years old.

Review date: Saturday, 15 March 2025