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Weight Management for Children: Xplore
Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed
by Wednesday, 21 August 2024. The information shown here may be outdated.
Provided By
Xplore's eight-week lifestyle weight management programme (tier 2) supports families to make sustained lifestyle and dietary changes, helping children and young people who are over the healthy weight range to move more, eat well and feel good.
The programme takes place in leisure centres after school to ensure that parents and children are able to attend. Parents will receive nutritional workshops from licensed nutritionists, while children will attend a physical activity workshop. At the end of the programme, the two approaches are combined and the children receive healthy eating advice.
See the summary document in Downloads for full details of the service.
Eligibility Criteria
Children and young people who:
- live in/are registered with a Barnet GP and/or attend a school or college in Barnet
- aged 4-13 years old
- overweight or obese >91st BMI centile
- simple overweight/obesity (i.e. no co-morbidities, psychological, psychiatric or serious behaviour problems).
Please note: If the child has any medical, physical, psychological, educational or emotional conditions, the team may need to consult with the appropriate healthcare professional before they begin on the programme.
- >99.6th BMI centile
- complex needs.
How to Refer
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
Complete the Xplore Child Weight Management Referral – Barnet and send to gllbarnet.referrals@nhs.net
Where to find the form
- BAR Global Documents > Referral Forms > Xplore Child Weight Management Referral Form
Referrals made by post should be sent to: FAO Healthwise (CWM), Barnet Copthall Leisure Centre, Champions Way, Hendon, London, NW4 1PX.
Self-referrals made by post should be sent to: FAO Healthwise (CWM), Barnet Copthall Leisure Centre, Champions Way, Hendon, London, NW4 1PX.
Burnt Oak Leisure Centre
Barnet Copthall Leisure Centre
Finchley Lido Leisure Centre
Hendon Leisure Centre
New Barnet Leisure Centre
Service Feedback
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