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  • The Samira Project: Ending Violence Against BAMER Women

The Samira Project: Ending Violence Against BAMER Women


The Samira Project is a violence against Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee (BAMER) women and girls outreach project. 

It is a partnership project between Latin American Women's Aid, the Kurdish and Middle Eastern Women's Organisation and the IMECE Women Centre, providing advice, information and support to women from BAMER backgrounds in Islington who are experiencing any form of violence.

Violence against women and girls can include but is not restricted to:

  • domestic violence
  • sexual assault
  • stalking
  • forced marriage
  • so-called honour-based violence
  • female genital mutilation.

The project aims to address the immediate safety needs of BAMER women at risk of harm to secure their and their children's safety by offering a combination of information, advice, signposting and referrals onto other appropriate agencies which will put them on the path to long term safety. This includes providing:

  • risk assessments
  • safety planning for women and children
  • advice in housing options and civil and criminal remedies
  • referrals to other appropriate agencies that can help with welfare benefits, housing, immigration and other matters.

See Downloads for the full referral pathway.

Three steps to escaping domestic violence

See the GOV.UK website for leaflets providing advice on how to escape violence and abuse, aimed specifically at BAMER women.

Eligibility Criteria


  • BAMER women and girls.

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Complete the SAMIRA Project Referral Form - Domestic Violence and send to referral@samiraproject.co.uk

Where to find the form

  • Islington: ISL Global Documents > Social Services folder


Women can self-refer using the email above or the phone numbers below.

IMECE Women's Centre
t: 020 7354 1359 (Monday to Wednesday)

Latin American Women's Aid
t: 020 7275 0321 (Wednesday to Friday)

Kurdish and Middle Eastern Women's Organisation
t: 020 7263 1027 (Wednesdays)

Service Feedback


Review date: Friday, 27 February 2026