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Safeguarding Children: Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub
Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed
by Thursday, 09 May 2024. The information shown here may be outdated.
Visit the NCL Child Safeguarding topic page for regional/national information and resources, and for details of the Barnet safeguarding professionals.
The Barnet Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) is the first point of entry for referrals about children and young people made by professionals, families and the public.
Co-located within the MASH is a partnership of professionals from a range of agencies, including the police, health, education, children's social care, children's early help, substance misuse, housing, probation and domestic violence services.
The professionals work together to share and analyse information held on multiple client data systems to build a picture of the child's history, current circumstances, support systems, needs and risks. This ensures that proportionate and timely decisions can be made about the type and level of services children need to safeguard their welfare, meet their needs and improve their outcomes.
Eligibility Criteria
- children aged 18 and younger.
How to Refer
Emergency Duty Team (out of hours)
The MASH operates Monday to Thursday, 9am-5.15pm and 9am-5pm on Fridays. Outside of these hours, care and welfare concerns about children and young people that require an immediate response should be reported to the Emergency Duty Team.
If a child or young person is at risk of significant harm, the police will need to be contacted.
Barnet MASH referral form
To make a referral, fill out the online form on the Barnet council website. You will then receive an acknowledgement email from the MASH with a reference number.
Please note: It is your responsibility to discuss this referral with the family. If you feel that by doing so the child would be placed at risk of harm, or if you have any further questions, contact the MASH team on 020 8359 4066.
Service Feedback
Barnet MASH
020 8359 4066Resources
Related Services
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Safeguarding Children
Child safeguarding services across NCLChildren, Young People & Family
Services for CYP across NCLChild Emotional Wellbeing & Mental Health
Information about the CYP mental health services available across NCLDomestic Violence & Abuse
Information about domestic violence and abuse services available across NCLFemale Genital Mutilation
Learning Disabilities & Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Review date: Thursday, 09 May 2024