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  • Children's Community Atopy (Asthma & Eczema) Clinic

Children's Community Atopy (Asthma & Eczema) Clinic


The Children's Community Atopy (Asthma & Eczema) Clinic provides face-to-face support to children and young people with asthma, multiple trigger wheeze and eczema. It is a nurse-led service supported by consultants from University College London Hospitals (UCLH) and Royal Free London (RFL). Patients are seen in a primary care setting. 

The service aims to:

  • improve the confidence and self-care skills of children and young people (as well as their parents/carers) to manage their conditions effectively 
  • improve emotional and social wellbeing through the reduction of stress during periods of illness 
  • improve the coordination of local services to help patients manage their asthma, viral-induced wheeze and eczema
  • reduce the amount of time patients spend in acute/hospital settings.

The service will also pick up cases from the acute setting, such as those with emergency attendances/admissions for asthma, in order to support discharge and prevent readmission.

Please note: the service does not undertake allergy testing. Referrals should instead be sent to the relevant allergy service at either RFH or UCLH. Links to the service pages can be found in the Related Services section.

Eligibility Criteria


Children aged 18 and below who:

  • have a new diagnosis of asthma
  • need frequent salbutamol prescriptions, more than one course of prednisolone in a year or those with frequent exacerbations whom you feel you are not able to improve
  • struggle to control eczema 
  • have asthma or eczema where compliance or other wider parental/social factors may be impacting control.


  • children under five without a formal diagnosis of asthma
    • once diagnosed, they can be seen by the atopy team
  • any discharge from an acute episode
    • the 48-hour review must be carried out by a GP
  • acute asthma exacerbations
  • diagnostic uncertainty.

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: EMIS managed referral

Complete the Children's Community Atopy Service Referral - RFL referral form and send by EMIS Managed Referral (see Downloads for instructions on how to do this).

This referral route was chosen as it enables the service to access the GP records, which is essential for a high-quality assessment. Please do not email referrals.

Where to find the form

  • Camden: Camden Global Documents > Children Services 

Service Feedback


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Review date: Friday, 24 January 2025