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Early Years Speech & Language Therapy
EnfieldProvided By

Early Years Speech and Language Therapy Enfield (EYSLTE) provides help, support and care for children who have difficulties with communication or eating, drinking and swallowing. The service works in a variety of settings across the borough.
EYSLTE offers:
- Drop-in clinics at Children's Centres in Enfield
- A range of therapies for children with moderate to significant speech, language or communication difficulties
- TalkACTivity - a course for parents of children with identified minor communication needs
- Support for children with Down's Syndrome
- Support for children with eating and drinking disorders
- Support for children with autism
The service is for preschool aged children who find it hard to:
- Understand what is said to them
- Use signs, words and construct sentences
- Say words clearly
- Find the right words to express thoughts and feelings
- Understand rules for social interaction and conversation
- Speak fluently
How to Refer
If you would like a child to be seen by one of the team, contact the service directly on 020 4553 7784 and get directions to one of the drop-in sessions.
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