Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by Friday, 23 August 2024. The information shown here may be outdated.

Mental health topic navigation

Mental health services are listed within the specific mental health topic pages listed below. Any mental health service that does not quite fit into one of these specialist mental health topics will appear in the services section of this topic page.

Addiction, Bereavement, Child Emotional Wellbeing & Mental Health, Dementia, Domestic Violence & Abuse, Fatigue, Gender Identity, Learning Disabilities and Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Mental Health Crisis, Migrant Health, Perinantal Mental Health, Sleep Medicine.


DIALOG is an outcome scale to assess a patient's quality of life and experience of care received. DIALOG+ is a facilitated conversation, focusing on the lowest scored areas using the DIALOG score. Staff and patients work in a strength-based therapeutic way, co-producing a holistic care plan.

DIALOG+ can support with appropriate referrals to mental health and/or voluntary sector services. Once completed, the DIALOG+ will provide GPs with an oversight of a patient’s medical and psycho-social situation, and it will also highlight areas of concern.

For more information, see the How DIALOG and DIALOG+ can help support recovery from a mental health illness video.

Supporting resources

MyHealthLondon has developed a range of materials designed to support GPs if they suspect that someone may be experiencing a first episode of psychosis.

Thrive LDN toolkits contain agreed, city-wide public mental health messages and resources from the wide-ranging partners involved in Thrive LDN.

The Good Thinking website provides a range of resources to help Londoners improve their mental wellbeing, including free NHS-approved apps, articles, blogs, podcasts, self-assessments, videos and workbooks.

Approved Mental Health Professionals

Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs) work on behalf of local authorities to carry out a variety of functions under the Mental Health Act (MHA). One of their key responsibilities is to make applications for the detention of individuals in hospital, ensuring the MHA and its Code of Practice are followed.

If you require advice regarding an MHA assessment or setting up an MHA assessment, contact your local AMHP team.

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Clinical Leads

Camden (Live Well)

Adrian Capp


Dr Clare O'Brien


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Review date: Friday, 23 August 2024