Paediatric Allergy: NMUH


The aim of the Paediatric Allergy Service at North Middlesex University Hospital is to ensure children with likely food allergy receive the correct diagnosis and appropriate management as early as possible. The service is overseen by a consultant paediatric allergy specialists, GPs with a special interest in allergy, paediatric allergy nurses, an advanced clinical practitioner and a paediatric allergy dietician, delivering the service in a multi-disciplinary clinic.

This is more than just another clinic; the allergy MDT will liaise with local GPs, health visitors and school nurses, providing support and education and training sessions about allergy updates. The team will also support schools/nurseries in managing allergies within their setting.

Please use this service to prevent:

  • multiple visits to GPs
  • multiple visits to health visitors
  • referrals to a variety of secondary care services
  • frequent ED/urgent care attendance
  • overprescribing of hypoallergenic formula

Eligibility Criteria


Infants, children or young people (up to 16yrs) with any of the following:

  • allergic reactions to any food.
  • poorly controlled or recalcitrant multi-systemic conditions of atopy.
  • persistent symptoms of delayed allergy (eczema, reflux, entero/proctocolitis, faltering growth) not responding to primary care management, eg iMAP.
  • children under two years of age with moderate or severe eczema (if not responding to matched potency topical steroids initiated in primary care as per NICE guidelines)
  • suspected Food Protein Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome.
  • chronic / recurrent urticaria +/- angioedema (lasting more than 6 weeks and without clear trigger).
  • suspected allergic reactions to oral medication.

Prior to referral, all suspected cow's milk protein-allergy patients should be started on a cow's milk exclusion diet or prescribed appropriate extensively hydrolysed or amino acid formula according to iMAP guideline for primary care.


  • children with suspected delayed cow's milk protein allergy should be managed in primary care in the first instance
  • children >2yrs with eczema alone and no other allergic conditions should be referred to dermatology
  • children with acute urticaria (lasting less than 6 weeks) without a clear trigger, please recommend a diary and PRN cetirizine

How to Refer

All referrals should be sent via e-Referral Service. Health visitors and school nurses can refer via email to


Referral methods: e-Referrals

Refer via e-RS 

How to find service on e-RS

  • Specialty: Children's & Adolescent Services
  • Clinic type: Allergy
  • Service name: Children & Adolescent Services - Paediatric Allergy - North Middlesex

Health visitors and school nurses can refer via email to


Children's Outpatient Department

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Review date: Wednesday, 17 September 2025