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Infant Growth & Feeding Clinic
CamdenProvided By
The Infant Growth and Feeding Clinic (IGFC) is a multi-disciplinary clinic for infants and children under two years with any growth or feeding concerns. The team available consists of a neonatologist, paediatric dietitian, speech and language therapist and child psychotherapist (*).
- assessment regarding infant's growth
- psychotherapy support for concerned and anxious parents of children with feeding or eating issues
- addressing and resolving behavioural eating difficulties
- assessing gastro-oesophageal reflux and vomiting
- support with feeding difficulties, following gastro-oesophageal reflux problems and vomiting
(*subject to availability, potential for referral into psychotherapy service if required)
IGFC works closely with the feeding teams in both Camden and Islington and will be able to refer into these local services for ongoing follow up as appropriate.
Eligibility Criteria
- Children under two years of age
How to Refer
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
Complete the Infant Feeding Clinic Letter (Under 2s) – UCLH and sent to gemma.hutcherson@nhs.net
The clinic is held once a month on a Wednesday morning.
Where to find the form
- Camden: Camden Global Documents > Children Services
Service Feedback
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Review date: Friday, 05 December 2025