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Speech & Language Therapy for Children: WH
CamdenIslingtonProvided By

The Speech and Language Therapy: Children (SLTC) service works with children and young people with speech, language and communications needs, including:
- complex needs
- social communication needs
- deafness
- stammer
Additionally, the service offers help to those with eating and swallowing difficulties.
SLTC works directly with children and families, responding to referrals within six weeks and providing ongoing intervention, as needed. The service also works alongside school teaching staff to ensure the child has a programme that will enhance access to the educational curriculum.
Useful contacts
- pre-school/early years children, t: 020 3317 2366
- children in primary school, t: 020 3772 0390
- young people in secondary school, t: 020 3316 1080
Referrals are processed by the Single Point of Referral (SPOR) team and directed to the appropriate SLTC team.
If you would like to discuss potential referrals, please email the address below. Your request will be directed to the appropriate team. Please note: do not send referrals to this email address: whh-tr.camdenslt@nhs.net
Speech and Language Therapy Service for Children who are Deaf
The SLT Service for Children who are Deaf (SLTCD) supports children with permanent deafness (both sensorineural hearing loss and permanent conductive hearing loss), including:
- Pre-school aged deaf children (0-5 years) and their families. The service supports children and families in their home and/or in nursery, working closely with the Advisory Teachers for Deaf Children
- Deaf children attending Frank Barnes School for Deaf Children in Camden (aged 2-11)
- Deaf children attending Laycock Provision for Deaf Children in Islington (aged 3-11)
- Outreach service. Deaf children attending mainstream schools are supported by the SLTs working in the mainstream schools teams. The service is able to offer specialist advice and support to your regular therapist if required.
To refer, please contact Wendy Martin, Clinical Coordinator, SLTCD.
You can complete a referral form below.
e: wendy.martin4@nhs.net
t: 020 7391 7054 (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)
Eligibility Criteria
Children can be referred to Camden Dysphagia Pathway if they meet the following criteria:
- aged 0-18 years
- live in and have a GP in Camden*
- there are identified concerns regarding eating, drinking, feeding and/or swallowing skills
- they, or their parent or carer (as appropriate), have/has consented to the referral (evidence of consent needs to be demonstrated on the referral)
*children attending Swiss Cottage School or Physical Resource Base can have in-school management plans
How to Refer
Refer using the EMIS referral form or SPOR online form
Single Point of Referral (SPOR) Form – Camden Community Children’s Services
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
Complete the Community Children's Services SPOR - Camden referral form and send to wendy.martin4@nhs.net
Where to find the form
- Camden: Camden Global Documents > Children Services
- Islington: ISL Global Documents > Paediatrics > Child & Adol MH, Safeguarding, Social support
CSYP - Finsbury Health Centre
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Speech and language therapy (SLT) assessment for children and adultsReview date: Friday, 25 July 2025