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Paediatrics: NMUH
NCL Wide
Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed
by Saturday, 01 February 2025. The information shown here may be outdated.
The North Middlesex University Hospital (NMUH) paediatric team provides a comprehensive secondary service to all local children up to the age of 16, as well as a number of tertiary services.
The trust aims to see patients within 18 weeks of their referral being made for routine appointments, or within six weeks for urgent referrals.
The service has expanded in recent years and now provides the following sub-specialties in addition to the general paediatric clinics:
- paediatric cardiology
- paediatric clinical immunology & allergy
- paediatric diabetes
- paediatric endocrinology
- paediatric gastroenterology
- paediatric infectious diseases
- paediatric medical oncology
- paediatric nephrology
- paediatric epilepsy(not a full neurology service)
- paediatric respiratory medicine
- paediatric rheumatology.
The following paediatric services are also provided by the Trust, but outside the direct management of paediatric team;
- paediatric dermatology
- paediatric ophthalmology
- paediatric urology
As such, any referral made for these services should be made directly and any received by the paediatric outpatient team will be passed onto the appropriate team copying in the sender for acknowledgement.
The children’s outpatient service also benefits from having a Child & Adolescent Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Liaison Team (CAPPLT) on-site which provides services to patients as required throughout their treatment at the hospital. However, please note that the service only accepts internal referrals from the paediatric and paediatric emergency teams.
Contact details
- children’s outpatient reception: 0208 887 2579 (Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm)
- ocean day unit staff base: 0208 887 3095 (Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm)
- children’s community nursing team administrator: 0208 887 3301 (Monday to Friday, 8am – 4pm)
- paediatric hospital@home administrator: 0208 887 3301 (Monday to Friday, 8am – 4pm)
- paediatric general enquiries line: 0208 887 4672 (Monday to Friday, 8am – 5pm)
- general email: northmid.paediatric@nhs.net
Email is manned daily and all emails aim to be resolved within three working days of receipt based on complexity.
How to Refer
Urgent referrals
For urgent referrals, contact the paediatrics consultant hotline (Monday to Sunday, 9am–9pm).
Urgent referrals (out of hours)
For urgent referrals out-of-hours, call the NMUH switchboard and bleep 195 for the paediatric registrar.
North Middlesex University Hospital
Service Feedback
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Review date: Saturday, 01 February 2025