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School Nursing
CamdenProvided By
Provided by Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL), the Camden School Nursing service supports children and young people aged 4-18 who are attending mainstream schools in Camden by offering health assessments, advice, and other health promotion activities.
The service supports the borough's immunisation team to ensure that immunisation sessions scheduled on school sites are well organised.
The Camden School Nursing provision is as below.
- Aged 4-5 (Reception): School entry health review, vision and hearing screening, selective health assessments with parents/carers, National Child Measurement Programme.
- Aged 10 (Year 6): National Child Measurement Programme.
- Aged 11+ (Year 7): Secondary transfer health review, selective health assessments, group health promotion.
- Aged 12+ (Year 8): Supports the immunisation team in delivering HPV vaccination.
- Aged 14+ (Years 9, 10 and 11): Targeted health promotion, supports the immunisation team in delivering school-leaver booster immunisations (diphtheria, tetanus, polio, MMR and Meningitis ACWY).
In addition to delivering a child weight management service, the service also provides bladder and bowel support and advice to children, young people, and their families who require help with achieving and maintaining continence (see Related Services).
Eligibility Criteria
- children aged 4-18 years attending mainstream schools in Camden.
How to Refer
Contact the service using the details below to make a referral.
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
Complete the School Nursing Service Referral – CNWL and email to: camdenschoolnurses@nhs.net
Where to find the form
- Camden Global Documents > Children Services
Families can self-refer by using the contact details above.
Service Feedback
Related Services
Bladder & Bowel Child Incontinence Service: CNWL
Bladder and bowel care services for children in the community CamdenWeight Management for Children
Nutrition and physical activity clubs for children and young people CamdenRelated Topics View All
Children, Young People & Family
Services for CYP across NCLCommunity Clinic Services
Community commissioned clinics and services within NCL (non funded by Local Authority Borough)Incontinence/Enuresis
Information about bladder and bowel services available across NCLInfectious Outbreaks & Tropical Diseases
Information about infectious and tropical disease services across NCLNavigating Self-Care
Care navigators can find services by clinical need in this list of self-care optionsWeight Management & Nutrition
Services related to weight management and nutrition for adults and childrenReview date: Friday, 05 September 2025