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MOSAIC Integrated Service for CYP with a Disability: CNWL
CamdenProvided By
MOSAIC aims to support children and young people with disabilities, along with their families, with independence and involvement in all aspects of home, nursery, school, leisure and community activities.
The multi-disciplinary service includes:
- speech and language therapists
- occupational therapists
- physiotherapists
- child psychologists
- specialist health visitor
- paediatric dietician
- paediatricians
The service is co-located with the Children and Young People with Disability 0-25 social care service.
MOSAIC includes the following services:
- Child Development Team (CDT)
- complex feeding clinic
- down syndrome pathway (currently being updated)
- sleep service
- Social Communication Assessment Service (SCAS)
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (MOSAIC CAMHS)
- Autism post diagnostic parent/carer training programmes (ATLAS, Cygnet)
Eligibility Criteria
The service is for children aged 0-19 only who have:
- high levels of complex needs requiring a multi-disciplinary or multi-agency response, whose parents are unable to meet the child's needs without additional services;
- severe complex disability/health problems that are, or likely to be, long term, and have substantial impact on child and family functioning and outcomes;
- early identified significant developmental needs where there is unclear diagnosis and multi-disciplinary/agency assessment is required;
- severe or profound difficulties in one or more of the following developmental areas: physical, learning, sensory impairment, communication/social communication, chronic/long-term illness, mental health in addition to severe/profound disability, children born with or acquired complex health/disability needs.
How to Refer
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
Referral via single point of referral (SPOR) form or EMIS form and send to adminspor.cnwl@nhs.net
Where to find the EMIS form
CAM Global Documents > Children Services > Community Children's Services SPOR - Camden
Service Feedback
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Speech and language therapy (SLT) assessment for children and adultsReview date: Sunday, 02 February 2025