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Infectious Diseases, Tropical Medicine and Parasitology Service for Children & Young People: UCLH
NCL WideProvides a range of services for children and young people (CYP) up to 18 years old. Clinics held at University College Hospital Children's Outpatients are supported by a clinical nurse specialist. Family groups can be seen together. Remote consultations can be provided.
The service provides:
- appointments for CYP with unusual, complicated or recurrent infectious diseases
- returned traveller screening and treatment
- parasitology clinics (including joint adult and CYP appointments with the Hospital for Tropical Diseases)
- diagnosis and treatment of tropical diseases and other imported infections, bites, stings
- paediatric tropical dermatology clinics (including for Leishmaniasis) jointly with the Hospital for Tropical Diseases
- a family infection clinic, where family groups can be treated together by both adult and paediatric teams
- infection screening for CYP seeking asylum and refugees (unaccompanied) as part of the Respond health system: this is a nurse-led appointment. All staff have expertise in healthcare for CYP seeking asylum and refugees, and trauma-informed care.
For healthcare professionals only: urgent out of hours telephone advice regarding tropical issues may be sought by contacting the Tropical Registrar via the UCLH switchboard.
t: 0203 456 7890
Please note: This is not an emergency or walk-in service. For emergencies, including suspected malaria or fever on return from tropical countries, advise attendance at the local Emergency Department.
The service works closely with the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, which provides an adult tropical medicine service. Young people aged 16+ can attend the walk-in clinic at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases.
Suspected tuberculosis should be referred to the appropriate TB service, which can be found on the TB Topic page.
RESPOND (integrated health system for those seeking asylum and refugees) services for CYP
This service works closely with RESPOND, which offers a range of services for CYP seeking asylum, refugees of all ages (accompanied and unaccompanied) and their families, including infection screening, holistic assessments and care planning, a virtual Advice and Guidance MDT and a Children and Young People's Refugee Health Clinic for children and young people seeking asylum and refugees with general paediatric issues.
Eligibility Criteria
- CYP aged <18 years
- CYP aged 16+ can also attend the emergency walk-in clinic at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases
How to Refer
Referral methods: e-Referrals
Refer via e-RS.
- Specialty: children & adolescents services
- Clinic type: other medical
- Service: paediatric & adolescent infectious diseases
If the patient requires attention within two weeks, please also email a referral letter (please note this contact is for HCPs only).
e: uclh.referrals.paedIDgrading@nhs.net
For infection screening for unaccompanied CYP seeking asylum and refugees
e: uclh.referrals.paedIDgrading@nhs.net
For other Respond referrals (family infection screening, family holistic assessment or MDT)
e: uclh.respondmailbox@nhs.net
CYP who have travelled to the tropics within past six months and have symptoms such as fever, diarrhoea, or rash can self refer by email (including name, date of birth, and mobile phone number).
e: uclh.paedsidadmin@nhs.net
The admin team will make contact within five working days.
For emergency issues, advise calling 111 or attending a local Emergency Department.
Children's Outpatients, University College Hospital
Service Feedback
Email addresses and phones are monitored during opening hours (Monday-Friday, 9am-4 pm)
uclh.paedsidadmin@nhs.net 020 3447 7876Resources
Related Services
Emergency Walk-in Clinic: Hospital for Tropical Diseases
Emergency referrals to the Hospital for Tropical Diseases NCL WidePaediatrics: UCLH
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Infectious Outbreaks & Tropical Diseases
Information about infectious and tropical disease services across NCLChildren, Young People & Family
Services for CYP across NCLReview date: Wednesday, 07 January 2026