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Babies, Children and Young People Hospital at Home: NMUH


The Hospital at Home service (H@H) provides a nurse led, consultant supported care for children who are acutely unwell in their home instead of hospital, reducing or avoiding the need for hospital admission. The service accepts direct referrals from GPs and other hospitals for patients living in Haringey and N postcodes of Enfield and including at the current time EN1, EN2 and EN3.

H@H is available 8am-8pm Monday to Sunday (including Bank Holidays).

Referrals are accepted up to 8pm, seven days a week.

Referrals after 6pm may be triaged the following day. 

Eligibility Criteria


For children who meet the detailed criteria (see Downloads for further detail) in the following areas

  • asthma
  • viral induced wheeze  
  • bronchiolitis
  • croup
  • febrile illness
  • gastroenteritis
  • requiring intravenous antibiotics


  • age < three months for febrile illness, bronchiolitis (see detailed referral criteria in Downloads)
  • age < six months for croup, gastroenteritis (see detailed referral criteria in Downloads)
  • clinically unwell (i.e. signs of dehydration, oxygen saturations below 92 per cent)
  • extensive chronic medical history
  • social concerns that can affect treatment
  • jaundiced neonates

How to Refer

If a child meets the detailed referral criteria (see Downloads), discuss with Hospital @ Home Nurse in Charge prior to completing the form.

Referral line

Nurse hotline

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Once patient is accepted complete the Hospital @ Home referral form and email to: northmid.bcyphospitalathome@nhs.net (Enfield N postcodes only)

How to find the form

Enfield: ENF Global Documents > Paediatric > Hospital @ Home Referral (N postcodes only) - North Middlesex

Haringey: HAR Global Documents > Paediatric > Hospital @ Home Referral (N postcodes only) - North Middlesex

Service Feedback


Review date: Friday, 27 September 2024