Digital Resource for Carers

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Working with leading national charity Carers UK, NHS England is providing unpaid carers access to free digital resources.

The Digital Resource for Carers is an online platform that hosts a wealth of resources for carers to help them build resilience in their caring role.

The resources can help to deliver on the NHS Long Term Plan commitments to unpaid carers, and include:

  • e-learning
  • guides and comprehensive signposting
  • access to MyBackUp, a simple contingency planning tool for what might happen in an emergency
  • Jointly, Carers UK's care co-ordination app.

Carers UK has published guidance for health professionals which explains how the offer works and contains tips and ideas on how staff can refer carers to the support available, as well a checklist to help roll-out the resource in practices.

Carers can create an account using the NCL access code DPCN9566 via the Carers UK website.

Review date: Monday, 17 March 2025