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Health Visiting & School Nursing (0-19)
EnfieldProvided By

The 0-19 Service is made up of the Health Visiting Team who support children under the age of five and the School Nursing Team who support children aged 5-19.
The service is a key provider of the Healthy Child Programme and work with families and other services to ensure children have the best start in life. In Enfield the 0-19 Service is delivered by the health visiting service.
The Healthy Child Programme is a national framework aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of children, young people and families. For the early life stages it focuses on a universal preventative service, providing families with a programme of screening, immunisation, health and development reviews, supplemented by advice around health, wellbeing and parenting. For children and young people aged 5-19, the programme recommends a universal and progressive service that promotes health and wellbeing.
Health visitors and school nurses are public health nurses who support children, young people and families with making healthy choices such as healthy eating, physical activity and good oral health, making positive behaviour changes, undertaking reviews to ensure early identification of any needs that require additional support and keeping children safe.
Further information on the services for children under five and aged 5-19 can be found below.
Eligibility Criteria
- patients aged between 0 and 19 years of age
How to Refer
Via email:
Include as much detail as possible on reason why patient has been referred. Ensure consent is gained from the family for referral and contact details of family are included.
Enfield Civic Centre
Service Feedback
Eunice Chigwanda, Clinical Service Lead 0-19 Services
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