Children Looked After Health Team


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The Children Looked After (CLA) Health Team is responsible for promoting all aspects of health to children and young adults who are looked after by Islington Children’s Social Care.

This statutory service provides:

  • health assessments
  • specific health targeted interventions related to sexual health/pregnancy advice, smoking cessation and immunisation uptake
  • a health advisory service for professionals with looked-after children in their care, including liaison work and referrals
  • advocacy
  • fostering and adoption support.

Young People’s Health Clinic

The CLA Health Team runs a drop-in service for young people aged 16+, including care leavers, to address:

  • general health support/advice
  • referrals to sexual health/drug and alcohol services.

Eligibility Criteria


  • children aged 0-18 years looked after by the London Borough of Islington
  • care leavers up to the age of 25
  • adult carers assessed by Islington for the care of look after children.

Review date: Sunday, 01 December 2024