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Children & Young People's Occupational Therapy


What is Occupational Therapy?

  • Occupational therapists help children and young people improve their ability to participate in everyday activities (occupations). These occupations may include self-care tasks (for example getting dressed, eating), play and leisure activities (such as riding a bicycle, playing with Lego) and participating in school life (for example using a pencil and scissors).
  • Occupational therapists work closely with the child, young person, parents and teachers with the aim of helping the child to participate as fully as possible in their chosen occupations.

Eligibility Criteria


Disabled children or those with additional needs can be referred to Children‘s Occupational Therapy if they are having difficulties performing their daily occupations. These can be difficulties with:

  • completing self-care tasks (such as bathing, brushing teeth)
  • participating in daily school life (such as participating in PE lessons, organising their school equipment and work)
  • engaging in leisure and play activities (such as swinging on a swing, drawing and colouring).

Children must live within the borough of Enfield or be registered with an Enfield GP. They must be aged between 0-18 years.


  • Unfortunately the service is not commissioned to see children who attend an Enfield school but do not live in the borough nor have an Enfield GP. These children need to be referred to their home borough’s NHS Occupational Therapy service. 
  • Referrals for home equipment or housing adaptations need to go to Enfield Local Authority Social Services Children's Occupational Therapy Team. Please check the Enfield council website for information on their service. 

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Complete the OT referral form and email or post it back to OT services. The form can be requested via northmid.enfieldchildrenstherapies@nhs.net

Referrals to children’s Occupational Therapy are accepted from:

  • registered health professionals (paediatricians, GPs, health visitors, school nurses, physiotherapists, speech and language therapists)
  • school SENCOs (Special Educational Needs Coordinators)
  • if your child attends an Enfield Special School please access your Schools OT service through the school.

Following receipt of the referral, an acknowledgment letter is sent to the referrer and parents (if you do not get a letter after four weeks, please call the department to confirm the referral was received). 

Service Feedback

Review date: Sunday, 19 January 2025