Phlebotomy, Child: NMUH

Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by Sunday, 15 December 2024. The information shown here may be outdated.

North Middlesex University Hospital (NMUH) provides blood test services for children. Blood test services vary depending on a child's age:

  • children under the age of two are seen by paediatrics
  • children over the age of two are managed by the outpatients department.

Fasting blood tests are no longer offered. NMUH's paediatric consultants advise this is almost always unnecessary. GPs have been advised what to do if they believe a fasting blood test is needed.

Please note: There is no walk-in service available.

Children's outpatient clinic

Any patients that arrive to the children's outpatient clinic after 4.30pm will, unfortunately, not be seen. The service treats children as a priority in the clinic and sees them as soon as possible.

Children aged between 2-16 should attend the children's outpatient clinic with a parent or carer.

If parents/carers have any issues booking their appointment online, they should call t: 020 8887 3663 / 3664. The call centre receives a high volume of calls, resulting in long wait times.

Eligibility Criteria


All children in the NCL area between the ages of two and 16 years:

  • children under the age of two are seen by paediatrics
  • children over the age of two are managed by the outpatients department.


  • NCL resident 
  • Over 16 years of age


How to Refer

Children aged <2

To book an appointment for a child aged under two, the child’s parent or carer should call t: 020 8887 3095/3863.

The booking line is open Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm.

Children aged 2-16

Appointments must be booked online via Swiftqueue.


Children's Outpatient Clinic

Service Feedback

Review date: Sunday, 15 December 2024