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Immunisations & Vaccinations

NCL Wide

For support with immunisations at your practice, contact your borough’s Prevention and Vaccinations Project Manager (PVPM):

The team are happy to meet with practice staff, either via MS Teams or in person.

A weekly vaccination communications newsletter is produced by the NCL ICB communications team. It contains a round-up of the week’s news, key messages and campaign resources. To subscribe to the newsletter, email nclicb.communications@nhs.net

GP practices that would like training about immunisations can visit the e-Learning for Healthcare website and register for the immunisation training course.

For an overview of all NHS information regarding immunisations and vaccinations, visit the NHS UK page on vaccinations.

The Green Book has the latest information on vaccines and vaccination procedures for vaccine-preventable infectious diseases in the UK.

Visit the GOV.UK website to find updated chapters of the Green Book and other important related content, such as immunisation patient group direction (PGD) templates.

GP Practice Contact Information

To ensure that the right people in practices are contacted with any immunisation updates, resources and more from the NCL Immunisation Improvement Project Managers team, to update your practice’s contact information please complete the short Microsoft Form survey.

This is extremely important to ensure that your practice is contacted should there be any urgent matters which need actioning promptly.

Please ensure that your practice information is updated to reflect new starters, role changes and leavers to any practice staff involved in immunisations.

Review date: Wednesday, 03 September 2025