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Brandon Centre: Young People & Families
CamdenIslingtonProvided By
Brandon Centre (BC) services cater to a wide range of adolescent challenges and are based on a psychoanalytic understanding of adolescent development, specialist treatment, and preventative provision.
The service provides a wide range of mental health, wellbeing and parenting support, including:
- counselling and psychotherapy
- BC-SIT (Systemic Integrative Treatment)
- ADHD parent/carer programme
- Love and Limits parent/carer programme
- Families, Food & Feelings parent/carer programme
- CAMHS waiting list parent support group
- Social prescribing
Eligibility Criteria
- Psychotherapy Service: Aged 16-24, living in Camden or Islington
- BC-SIT: Professional referrals only, contact the team to find out more
- ADHD parent/carer programme: Camden parents/carers of children aged 5-12 years with a confirmed diagnosis of ADHD
- Love and Limits parent/carer programme: Camden and Islington parents/carers of teenagers aged 12-16 with challenging behaviour
- Families, Food & Feelings parent/carer programme: Parents/carers of children aged 5-17 who live in, attend school in, or have a GP in either Camden or Islington
- CAMHS waiting list parent support group: For parents/carers of adolescents aged 11-16 who are on a waiting list for CAMHS services (treatment or assessment) who are residents of NCL
- Social prescribing: for young people aged 16-24 in Camden
How to Refer
BC-SIT Referrals Manager
This number is for BC-SIT and ADHD/Love and Limits parent/carer group enquiries only.
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
Counselling and Psychotherapy
Complete the Brandon Centre Professional Referral Form - 16 to 24 years old - Counselling and send to brandoncentre.counselling@nhs.net
- Camden: The Professionals – Brandon Centre referral form is available in the CAM Global folder. Please use the EMIS search to find it.
- Islington: ISL Global Documents > Mental Health > Paediatric & Adolescent Mental Health
ADHD Parent Group
Complete the Parenting Group for Parents Of Children 2 to 15yo With ADHD - Brandon Centre form and send to e: familyservice@brandoncentre.org.uk
- Camden: The referral form is available in the CAM Global folder. Please use the EMIS search to find it.
CAMHS Waiting List Parent Support Group
Email: parentsupport@brandoncentre.org.uk for residents in NCL.
One-to-one Psychotherapy Service
e: counselling@brandoncentre.org.uk to request a referral form.
Anyone with access needs can phone t: 020 7267 4792 and a referral can be taken over the phone.
Love and Limits
e: familyservice@brandoncentre.org.uk
t: 07939 833 069
Families, Food and Feelings
t: 020 7267 4792
e: healthyliving@brandoncentre.nhs.net
ADHD Parent Group
e: familyservice@brandoncentre.org.uk
t: 020 7267 4792
CAMHS Waiting List Parent Support Group
Available to residents in NCL.
Brandon Centre
Service Feedback
Download • PDF, 172.55 KB
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Families, Food and Feelings programme leaflet
Download • PDF, 300.55 KB
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ADHD parent/carer group leaflet
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