Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by Thursday, 09 February 2023. The information shown here may be outdated.

For up-to-date NCL Phlebotomy Service opening times, visit the provider websites.​​​

The Right Time Right Test NCL guidance supports appropriate blood testing in primary care and provides advice on agreed tests.

All phlebotomy must be booked in advance. 

NCL ICB is working with the trusts and GP IT to develop a paper-free requesting system for investigations.

Clinicians are asked to use pathology sparingly so that delivery of essential and high-priority investigations can be maintained.

Direct online adult blood-test booking links to share with patients

NCL ICB is aware that practices are having difficulty obtaining results when patients have booked to have GP-requested blood tests at hospitals and sites outside NCL ICS. To avoid this, practices should ensure that they are using/sending the most up to date URL for each provider. Practices should also advise patients of the importance of only choosing and booking at local borough providers. As a fail-safe, practices can ask patients to call them if they haven’t had a result within a couple of weeks of having a test.

Royal Free Hospital https://www.swiftqueue.co.uk/pre_timescreen.php?id=10562

Barnet Hospital https://www.swiftqueue.co.uk/pre_timescreen.php?id=10084

Chase Farm Hospital https://www.swiftqueue.co.uk/pre_timescreen.php?id=10104

Edgware Community Hospital https://www.swiftqueue.co.uk/pre_timescreen.php?id=10100

Finchley Memorial Hospital https://myappointments.online/login

UCLH https://swiftqueue.co.uk/UCLH_CC.php

NMUH https://www.swiftqueue.co.uk/northmid_opd.php

Whittington Hospital https://swiftqueue.co.uk/whittington.php?group=WHIT_GP

Paediatric phlebotomy

Whittington Health (WH) and University College London Hospitals (UCLH) are now open for GP paediatric phlebotomy. There is currently no walk-in service.

The RFL paediatric blood taking service is also open. The appointment must be booked online beforehand.

Please note: Due to infection control rules, only one adult can accompany the child.

If the GP feels bloods are urgent and cannot wait until the next available appointment, the GP needs to discuss with the paediatrician on 020 7794 0500 bleep 1000. Forms stamped as urgent will not be accepted without prior agreement.

Upon arrival in the clinic, the parent, guardian or adult accompanying the child will be asked to consent that blood is taken.

The children's blood test clinic at RFL runs at the following times (excluding bank holidays):

  • Tuesday 9am-4pm
  • Wednesday 9am-4pm
  • Thursday 9am-4pm
  • Friday 9am-4pm.

For more information about the paediatric out-patient phlebotomy services at RFL, visit the RFL website.

For RFL's Pathology User Handbook, please see Downloads.

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Review date: Thursday, 09 February 2023