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  • Early Help: Children, Young People & Families

Early Help: Children, Young People & Families


Early Help can provide the following for local families with children of any age:

  • free support service for families with children aged 0-19 in Camden
  • practical and emotional support with a range of life issues
  • working with families to help make changes
  • helping families to feel connected in their communities

To find out more about what Early Help can provide, please view the Early Help Professionals leaflet (see Downloads). 

Some services can be accessed directly via the Early Help section on the Cindex website below. 

See information about Camden's Local Offer in Resources or Related Services.

See information about Children's Safeguarding and Social Work in Resources.

Eligibility Criteria


  • families with children of any age 0-19 (up to 25 if they have learning development needs or disabilities)

How to Refer


Referral methods: Email

Referral to Children and Families Contact Team: where there needs to be involvement from more than one targeted or specialist service or the child or young person’s needs are potentially complex and need a multi-agency response.

Email the Child Assessment Framework (CAF) form via the MASH secure email address (you need an account with a secure email provider to do this). Email the form to LBCMASHadmin@camden.gov.uk

For urgent child protection referrals (which must be confirmed in writing within 48 hours) or to make a general enquiry and speak to a social worker, phone 020 7974 3317 (out of hours: 020 7974 4444).

Service Feedback


Review date: Saturday, 22 March 2025