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Children's Community Admission Limiting Team: RFL
Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed
by Friday, 19 July 2024. The information shown here may be outdated.
Provided By
The Royal Free London (RFL) Community Children's Team provides short-term or long-term intervention to treat, support and monitor children. The service has two offers in north central London, a Camden offer and a Barnet and Enfield offer.
Services include:
- monitoring of children during acute phases of chronic conditions
- palliative/end-of-life care
- constipation/encopresis
- parental support and education (e.g. drug administration, enteral feeding)
- asthma education and review of home environments to improve asthma control
- management of eczema for families and carers, including teaching on specific areas of treatment such as wet wraps
- wound care, with an aim to prevent hospital attendance
- provision of intravenous antibiotic therapy to reduce length of hospital stay
- sleep studies for suspected sleep apnoea
- oncology care
- blood tests if linked to a medical condition or to make adjustments to medication
- blood pressure monitoring.
Children will be under the care of an acute trust paediatrician.
The Camden offer from the Community Children's Nursing team is available for any child, young person (0-18) and their family if they are registered with a GP in Camden or in the post codes NW4, NW2, they are resident and require nursing in the community or if they attend Swiss Cottage School. For details, see Downloads [info to come]
The Barnet and Enfield offer from the Community Children's Nursing team is available for any child, young person (0-19) and their family if they are resident in the south of Barnet, south of the North Circular (all of NW11 & N2; parts of N19,N6 & NW2). For details, see Downloads [info to come]
Contact details
Royal Free CCN team t: 0207 830 2571 e: rf.communitychildrensnurses@nhs.net
Barnet CCN Team t: 0208 216 5242 e: rf-tr.ChildrensHomecareTeam@nhs.net
Eligibility Criteria
- resident of Barnet/Enfield or Camden
- or has a Barnet/Enfield or Camden GP
- aged 0-18 or 19 if they have a disability
- parents and children agree to be visited by the team
How to Refer
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
Complete the Community Children's Nursing Referral Form – NCL and send it to
rf-tr.childrenshomecareteam@nhs.net for Barnet and Enfield
rf.communitychildrensnurses@nhs.net for Camden (Royal Free)
Where to find the form
- Barnet: BAR Global Documents > Referral Forms folder
- Camden: Camden Global Documents > Children Services
- Enfield: ENF Global Documents > Paediatric folder
Service Feedback
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Review date: Friday, 19 July 2024