Camden Care Navigation & Social Prescribing


The Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing service helps people to receive the right support at the right time through:

  • care navigation
  • signposting to community and voluntary organisations
  • information and advice.

For a detailed pathway, see Downloads.

Eligibility Criteria


Camden residents aged 18+ who:

  • want or need support with issues that impact on their lives, such as social isolation, support with self and home management, support with finances, grants, unemployment, transport, food provision, liaising with social services and care package requests
  • have trouble navigation the complex health and care system
  • wish to be more independent and want to be more active in their communities 
  • want/need to improve their overall health and wellbeing.

Hospital discharge patients (Camden residents) who:

  • are being or recently have been discharged from hospital and need support with self-management while recovering, including shopping, hot meal delivery, prescription delivery, general amenities such as heating checks, gas top-ups and information and advice about topics including debt, benefits, and employment.


How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Please complete the EMIS form and send back to

Where to find the form

Camden: The Care Navigation & Social Prescribing – Camden referral form is available in the CAM Global folder. Please use the Emis search to find it.

Self-referral Download Form

Patients can self-refer by email or telephone.

Service Feedback


Review date: Friday, 13 September 2024