Integrated Paediatric Service


Roll out of the Integrated Paediatric Service 

The Integrated Paediatric Service (IPS) is an innovative primary care model which brings paediatric expertise into the community and improves the synergies between GPs, hospital paediatricians and children's community services helping to improve care and support pathways as well as outcomes for children, parents and carers using services.  

The IPS is continuing to be rolled out across Camden as a key priority for NCL, following the successful pilot project. Wider roll out of the programme is expected to take place across the other localities within NCL.

The IPS Model has three core functions:

  1. Consultant-led triage of general paediatric outpatient referrals (which is being rolled out within the GP practices in Camden with the expectation that practices will be able to start making referrals via this route in the coming months. Roll out has been delayed as a result of COVID pressures.
  2. Multi-disciplinary team meetings (MDMs) provide paediatric Advice, Guidance and Learning once a month to discuss case referrals with a consultant paediatrician and team of multi-disciplinary professionals from health and social care, which currently includes Paediatrics, GPs, CAMHS, Health Visiting, Therapies, Asthma, Early Help and Children's Centres. The MDMs can now be accessed by all Camden GPs within the seven Primary Care Networks (PCNs). The MDMs are also accessible to other professionals who work and provide services in the borough for Camden children. 
  3. Joint primary care clinics for selected paediatric cases identified via consultant-led triage is due to be implemented in the coming year (this is currently in the planning phase). Children will be seen jointly by a consultant paediatrician and local GP when this is rolled out.

Contacting your MDM coordinator

Please get in touch with your MDM coordinator to attend your nearest Paediatric Advice, Guidance and Learning MDM in your PCN (below):

For general queries, email the MDM admin mailbox:

Eligibility Criteria


  • children aged between 0-18
  • registered with a Camden GP
  • requiring non-urgent paediatric advice, guidance and treatment


  • where lead clinician has already determined another specialism is more appropriate e.g. community paediatrics, ENT, dermatology, therapies, continence, urgent referral/2WW

How to Refer


Referral methods: Email

Email your PCN MDM Coordinator about any cases that you would like to refer to the Paediatric Advice, Guidance and Learning MDM for discussion (see contact details above). Please exclude any patient-identifiable information.

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Review date: Friday, 18 July 2025