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Paediatric Rapid Access Clinic: NMUH
HaringeyEnfieldThe North Middlesex University Hospital (NMUH) Paediatric Rapic Access Clinic is a general paediatric outpatient clinic for children aged 0-16 years who require an urgent paediatric specialist opinion within 10 working days. It is for children who are not unwell enough to require same day attendance at the emergency department but who cannot wait for a routine outpatient appointment.
The clinic is run by Paediatric Speciality Registrars on Tuesday and Thursday mornings in the Paediatric Outpatient Department.
Eligibility Criteria
- children aged 0-16 years who require an urgent paediatric specialist opinion within 10 working days.
Children and young people who require:
- routine outpatient services or who are known to a specialist team with the same problem
- referrals will be re-directed if appropriate (e.g., those who are more appropriate for the standard general paediatric clinic will be booked into the next available appointment)
- same-day review and/or are likely to need immediate treatment or hospital admission should be discussed with the on-call paediatric consultant* and sent to A&E.
*The on-call paediatric consultant can be reached on 07436 283 463. This phone number is for the use of healthcare professionals only and cannot be used by parents/carers.
How to Refer
Referral must first be discussed with a Paediatric Consultant via the hotline
If the consultant feels the patient is suitable for this service, they will ask you to email a referral.
e: northmid.paediatric@nhs.net
Please do not send referrals without phone discussion with a consultant first.
North Middlesex University Hospital
Related Services
Paediatrics: NMUH
Urgent and routine paediatric services at North Middlesex University Hospital NCL WideSafeguarding Children: Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub
If you have a case you are finding difficult to manage, or procedure is unclear please discuss with your practice GP child protection lead HaringeyRelated Topics View All
Review date: Tuesday, 05 August 2025