Perinatal Mental Health

Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by Sunday, 29 September 2024. The information shown here may be outdated.

Local services that support people experiencing perinatal mental health are listed on this page. You can also signpost to the online national resources below.

  • NHS Choices: Information on postnatal depression and related concerns, including symptoms and treatment advice
  • Baby Buddy App: Designed to empower patients with the confidence to look after their own and their baby’s long-term wellbeing and development, the app contains a wealth of information to support parents with the challenges they face in the perinatal period
  • PANDAS Foundation: Provides support and advice to parents experiencing a perinatal mental illness and information on how family members, carers, friends and employers can support someone who is suffering
  • National Childbirth Trust: Support line which offers practical and emotional support with baby feeding and general enquiries for parents, members, and volunteers
  • Cry-Sis: Support group for parents with babies who cry excessively or have sleeping problems, telephone advice is provided via a helpline
  • Maternal Mental Health Alliance: UK-wide charity and network of over 120 organisations, dedicated to ensuring all women and families impacted by perinatal mental health problems have access to high-quality, compassionate care and support
  • Solihull Our Place Online Parenting Resources: Online courses for parents and carers that are based on the Solihull approach to parenting (promotes emotional health and wellbeing by supporting relationships)
  • Tommy's Pregnancy Hub: Pregnancy charity that provide midwife-led advice for parents before, during and after pregnancy, working together towards safer, healthier pregnancies; the team also offers a specialist support helpline for pregnant women from black or black-mixed heritage
  • Dad Matters: Aims to help dads have successful relationships with their families, and to support dads with anxiety, stress and mental health issues
  • DadPad: App that aims to help develop the necessary mindset and practical skills for fathers and partners
  • Dads Unlimited: Charity that supports the emotional safety of men and those they care about through one-to-one mentoring, helping them to achieve a positive ongoing relationship with their children, reduce parental conflict and improve co-parenting relationships.

Area specific guidance for Islington

The Islington Perinatal Mental Health Pathway and supporting document gives details of the perinatal mental health resources available in Islington (see Downloads for both documents).

The pathway outlines the overarching process for screening and assessing perinatal mental health needs. Screening will assist in identifying which of three pathways would best meet the needs of the woman and their family. 

Directory of Services


Review date: Sunday, 29 September 2024