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Islington PCN Social Prescribing Link Workers


Social Prescribing Link Workers (SPLWs) are part of the primary care team. SPLWs can provide intensive support for patients with long-term conditions and complex needs by connecting them with: 

  • relevant information and advice
  • community support services or groups.

SPLWs have access to patients' full EMIS clinical notes. It is therefore essential that the referrer makes the patient aware of this and gains informed consent at the time of the referral. This can be documented by ticking both of the consent boxes on the referral document.

The SPLWs are providing face-to-face clinics in some GP practices where room space is available. Central 1 and South PCNs are able to do home visits or see patients at the Age UK Islington offices. Central 2 and North PCNs also provide home visits or meet patients at the HOYD offices across Islington.

Benefits of social prescribing to primary care

Social prescribing is one of six key components of the NHS England comprehensive model for personalised care proven to improve health and wellbeing outcomes, increase patient satisfaction as well as reducing the direct costs of care.

The SPLW will add additional capacity to general practices, connecting patients to a variety of holistic non-clinical services typically provided by voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations.

To find out more about social prescribing, see the Social Prescribing topic page.

Camden and Islington Public Health have also developed a local Green Social Prescribing offer. Information on where local green spaces are, the types of activities and events on offer, and more, can be accessed via the Islington Parks web page.

Eligibility Criteria


There are no inclusion criteria for SPLW support. Some issues that patients need support with may include:

  • social isolation
  • self-managing long-term conditions
  • frequent attendances to GP/A&E services
  • money matters, including debt, benefits, and financial hardship
  • family support needs
  • housing needs such as risk of homelessness, home safety and fuel costs
  • legal concerns/problems

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Central 1 and South PCNs (Age UK Islington):

Please complete the Islington Social Prescribing Patient Referral Form - South PCN referral form. For more information on how to complete the referral process see Downloads.
e: socialprescribing.southc1pcn@nhs.net

Central 2 and North PCNs (HOYD and MGWT):

Please complete the Social Prescribing N + C2 Referral Form v2 referral form. For more information on how to complete the referral process see Downloads.
e: socialprescribing.northc2@nhs.net

Where to find the forms

  • Islington: ISL Global Documents > Community Services


Review date: Thursday, 03 April 2025