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Children's Community Nursing Team: Paediatric Primary Care

Upcoming Review — this page is due to be reviewed by Tuesday, 25 March 2025. The information shown here may be outdated.

The Paediatric Primary Care (PPC) team aims to improve health outcomes by delivering excellent connected care across primary care and acute settings.

The service reduces pressures on GPs by managing chronic health conditions and by supporting assessment prior to secondary care referrals. With inappropriate secondary care referrals reduced, children and young people will receive care at the right time and in the most appropriate place, with best use of resources.

The interventions that the PPC nursing team can safely deliver within the clinic setting include:

  • history taking
  • physical assessment of diagnosed chronic illness
  • initiating, or changing medication
  • providing updated care plans
  • liaising with the relevant healthcare professionals.

Eligibility Criteria


The CYP must have a working diagnosis and have been assessed within the 4/52 prior to the referral being made.

All patients must be:

  • registered with an Islington GP
  • aged from three months to 18 years age.

All patients must also have been assessed by the referring HCP with a clear nursing need outlining one of the following working diagnoses:

  • viral-induced wheeze and asthma (from 18 months)
  • eczema which is mild to moderate in severity (from three months)


  • CYP with complex medical needs 
  • eczema or infected eczema which is seen as moderate to severe 
  • acutely unwell children.

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Complete the Paediatric Primary Care Referral Community Nursing Team - Whittington
 referral form on EMIS and send to whh-tr.childnurseclinicisl@nhs.net for triage.

The inbox is triaged by the nursing team on a daily basis, and they will inform you if your referral has been accepted or rejected based on the information provided.

The current waiting time is 4-6 weeks.

Please fill the form in completely, providing a current contact number and most recent consultation (you can attach this directly from EMIS).

Where to find the form

In local EMIS global document library systems as follows:

  • Islington: ISL Global Documents > Paediatric > Children's community teams and therapies


Children's Community Nursing Service (Islington)

Service Feedback


Review date: Tuesday, 25 March 2025