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Fertility Services
NCL WideNCL single fertility policy
NCL ICB operates with one single fertility policy. The NCL fertility policy details the treatments available and eligibility criteria for patients who require specialist fertility treatment (including cryopreservation criteria for patients undergoing gonadotoxic treatment or gender reassignment).
You can find more information about the development of the policy and engagement on NCL ICB's dedicated fertility services page.
Please note: Patients may be referred to any NHS-commissioned provider of assisted conception services of their choice.
Patients are able to choose any NHS-commissioned provider to receive specialist fertility treatment. Below is the list of trusts that patients across NCL have historically used:
- Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
- Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
- North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust*
- University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Whittington Health*
*These trusts do not provide the full range of Assisted Conception Treatment (ACT) services.
NHS-commissioned providers include private providers that have a contract with another NHS organisation. If patients would like advice as to which provider to be referred to, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) website may be helpful.
Private providers where NCL ICB has funded treatment, include:
NCL ICB will fund specialised fertility treatments (noting that this does result in a cost pressure for the ICB) once investigations/tests have been completed at an NHS trust. Therefore, if sub-fertility is unexplained, patients will first have to undergo investigations at an NHS provider.
Eligibility criteria for IVF and other specialist fertility treatments
Eligibility criteria can be viewed in the NCL ICB fertility policy document and Eligibility criteria matrix (see Downloads).
Fertility pathway
Referrers are encouraged to review the fertility pathway (see Pathways) to help decide what steps are needed before a referral and, where appropriate, get advice and guidance to ensure that the patient is directed to the appropriate service for them.
It is important to note that not all hospitals offer the full suite of specialist fertility treatments, such as IVF. If patients are likely to need specialist treatment, referrers are encouraged to make that clear on the referral letter so that the patient pathway is not delayed by going to a community clinic or non-ACT trust.
How to Refer
EMIS form
Referral methods: e-Referrals, Email
Complete the referral form Fertility Services Referral NCL and send via e-RS:
- Guys and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
- Imperial College Healthcare
- North Middlesex University Hospital
- University College London Hospital
- Whittington Health
For the following providers, complete the referral form Fertility Services Referral NCL and send to the relevant email address:
- Care Fertility London (Westminster): Anca.Hornoiu@carefertility.com
- CREATE Fertility (St. Albans and City of London): create.herts@nhs.net
- Herts and Essex Fertility Centre (Cheshunt): hefc.ncl@nhs.net
For any other providers, please fill out the NCL referral form and submit via the appropriate method.
How to find the services on e-RS
- Specialty: Gynaecology
- Clinic type: Infertility
- Service: Fertility Service - Gynaecology Dept - UCLH
Where to find the form
- Barnet: BAR Global Documents > Referral Form folder
- Camden: Camden Global Documents > Sexual Health & Reproductive
- Enfield: ENF Global Documents > Gynae, Sexual & Reproductive
- Haringey: HAR Global Documents > Gynae, Sexual & Reproductive
- Islington: ISL Global Documents > Gynae, Sexual & Reproductive
Referral methods: e-Referrals
How to find the services on e-RS
- Specialty: Gynaecology
- Clinic type: Infertility
- Service: Select provider of choice
Service Feedback
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NCL ICB fertility policy (NCL ICB, July 2022)
NCL Wide
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Eligibility criteria matrix
NCL WidePathways View All
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