Children's Centres


This page provides basic information about a service suitable for self referral. Direct patients to the service provider using the details below.

The service offers help to children under five and their families including:

  • maternity services
    • antenatal and postnatal
  • baby groups
  • breastfeeding support
  • baby self-weighing service
  • stay and play sessions
  • childminding groups
  • adult learning
  • benefit support
  • employment support
  • support with school applications
  • free early years education eligibility checks
    • and support to find a suitable setting
  • parenting programmes
  • health promotions
    • oral health, healthy eating, introduction to solids and toilet training
  • Healthy Start vitamins   
  • food bank vouchers
  • child health checks
  • access to specialist support including speech and language
  • bespoke support, advice and guidance.

Review date: Sunday, 23 February 2025