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Solace Women's Aid
IslingtonSolace Women's Aid provides specialist short-term support to women living in north and east London who are affected by domestic and sexual violence.
The service offers immediate advice to women across all levels of risk and can refer them onto other services, such as refuge accommodation, longer-term advocacy support, counselling or specialist children's services.
This service can also refer for group counselling.
Eligibility Criteria
- Survivor of domestic abuse
- Are a perpetrator of domestic abuse
How to Refer
Refer by phone
Telephone the service during the below times:
- Monday to Friday, 10am-4pm
Patients can self-refer by emailing or telephoning the service during the below times:
- Monday to Friday, 10am-4pm
Service Feedback
Related Services
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Women's support servicesReview date: Tuesday, 20 May 2025