Dietetic Community Paediatric Service


Whittington Health's Islington Community Paediatric Dietetics Service promotes nutritional wellbeing by assessing, diagnosing and treating diet and nutrition-related problems and providing practical and safe advice based on scientific evidence.

Children's dietitians assess nutritional requirements, food intake and growth in times of health and disease, and tailor advice in line with the child's age, treatment and medical condition.

Eligibility Criteria


Children and young people aged up to 18 years who are registered with a GP in Islington and need dietetics support, including for:

  • non IgE cows milk protein allergy (delayed response)
  • selective eating with one or more of the following:
    • nutritional deficiency diagnosed through blood analysis
    • additional complex needs such as autism
    • faltering growth or underweight BMI with evidence of growth history on referral
    • attended the Families For Life or Family Kitchen Programme, but referrer still has significant concern
    • unable to attend Families For Life or Family Kitchen Programme for an understandable reason (e.g. language and communication barriers, IT limitations such as no Wi-Fi)
  • faltering growth
  • oral nutrition support (i.e. supplements)
  • enteral tube feeding (i.e. nasogastric feeding or gastrostomy feeding)
  • weight management from birth to four years with one or more of the following:


How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Complete the Additional Needs Health Service referral form and send to e:

Where to find the form

  • ISL Global Documents > ISL Referral Forms V1


Northern Health Centre

Service Feedback

Review date: Friday, 16 May 2025