
COVID-19 update

As critical services are restored, NHS England (NHSE) is reminding practices of the importance of providing all women with a postnatal GP check at six to eight weeks. It has also produced leaflets providing information for parents planning a birth during the COVID-19 outbreak and for parents of newborns.

NCL ICB has produced a poster/flyer on COVID-19 and pregnancy (see Downloads).

Other resources

Resources for clinicians:

For up-to-date information on maternity services in NCL, parents-to-be can go directly to:

For more general information on maternity services, patients can visit:

Area specific guidance for Camden

The focus for maternity services is to standardise early pregnancy assessment units to improve access and avoid women ending up in A&E. The Better Births Community Hub in Camden (Harmood Children’s Centre) will be a pilot site to test the proposed model for continuity of care. See the Better Births newsletter in Downloads for more information.

Resources for patients:

Directory of Services

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Infant feeding policy

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Healthy Start Vitamins poster

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Milk and More recipe book

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Milk and More: Starting your baby on solid foods

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Your pregnancy and COVID-19 flyer

NCL Wide
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Ensuring safe and responsive bottle feeding

NCL Wide
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Breastfeeding: What to expect with milk, feeds, nappies and breasts

NCL Wide
Download • PDF, 795.17 KB
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Better Births newsletter (April 2018)

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General practice guide to infant feeding (Islington)

Download • PDF, 287.77 KB
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Tongue tie identification and management (Islington)

Download • PDF, 223.01 KB
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Correcting a tongue tie leaflet (Islington)


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Review date: Saturday, 09 November 2024