Adult Social Care


Adult Social Care in Camden provides:

  • Information about social care assessments and eligibility, and the What Matters approach to social care (see Related Videos)
  • The option of direct payments to those who are eligible to draw upon certain care and support, so that they can choose the care services they wish to pay for
  • Assistive technology to enable a person to live as independently as possible
  • Safeguarding of vulnerable adults in need of social care support
  • The option for a carers assessment (known in Camden as a carers conversation), to determine whether an unpaid carer would benefit from additional support or being connected to local services

Considerations when referring:

  • Has consent been given by the person for you to refer them to social care?
  • If not, why?
  • Are there mental capacity issues?
  • Are you making a best interest decision?
  • Are there safeguarding issues?
  • Is the person providing unpaid care to a friend or family member, and have they been referred for a carers conversation? 
  • Does the person have any communication requirements, for example a translator in British Sign Language or another preferred language, or written information in a preferred language or Easy Read?

Further information about Adult Social Care and what support is available (including a BSL video) is available in the Resources section.

To find out more about Adult Social Care in Camden, email Note that this email address is not for receiving referrals. To make a referral, complete the online Camden Adult Social Care Referral Form below.

How to Refer

Camden Adult Social Care Referral Form

The Online Referral Form Camden Adult Social Care Referral Form is available for both residents and professionals to refer to Adult Social Care. 

Service Feedback

Review date: Wednesday, 19 February 2025